Are Earthlings Too Stupid To Be Visited By Aliens?
- All over the world, governments are admitting to and showing UFO encounters
- Montana has had many UFO sightings. The first article I ever wrote was about UFO sightings around Great Falls. You can check that out here.
- Why hasn't Earth been visited by residents of another planet?
Why Hasn't Earth Been Formally Visited By Aliens?
The Pentagon’s latest report on UFOs has revealed hundreds of new reports of unidentified and unexplained aerial phenomena but no indications suggesting an extraterrestrial origin.--Associated Press
This is a question I've had most of my adult life. I grew up watching Star Trek, Star Wars, Close Encounters and ET. For so long, I thought it was just a matter of time.
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Now, I'm just a little worried. Here are some theories from around the globe as to why we haven't had a formal alien visit.
Fermi paradox (Salon.com)
Theory #1 As To Why Aliens Haven't Introduced Themselves: We're still just too stupid
Experts have offered other explanations for the missing aliens: Perhaps they visited Earth in the past, before humans evolved or were capable of recording the visit.--Live Science
This really is a theory.
It's the theory that makes the most sense to me. Yes, it's very depressing, however, I feel it's probably because we're not advanced enough for them to visit.
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Some in the scientific community theorize that we're not advanced enough, that we're too violent, or they JUST DON'T CARE about the Earth. I also have to wonder about the "violence" thing because in Doctor Who, Star Wars, The Jetsons and the like, only archaic civilizations use violence.
Side Note: Ever wonder what other planets call Earth? Me, too, but I'm getting off topic.
Theory #2 As To Why Aliens Haven't Introduced Themselves: They're Too Far Away
A space shuttle that travelled five miles per second, given that the speed of light travels at 186,282 miles per second, it would take about 37,200 human years to travel one light year.--Screenshot
Like the Eleventh Doctor says, "The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and... ridiculous"
Some theorize, like in this video, that it's very unique for a planet to live in a sweet spot by their sun, like Earth, and there may not be that many of us. If they ARE out there, it could take hundreds or even thousands of years to get to earth. Maybe they're on their way, but it will literally take generations of their species to travel through space to get to Earth.
About the video, there's a part two after this one AND if you're a Doctor Who fan, you just might spot a Dalek in there. Cool.
Theory#3 As To Why Aliens Haven't Introduced Themselves: They're all dead
Fermi Paradox is a meditation on two contradictory truths: 1) the idea that we represent the only intelligence in the universe is preposterous and 2) despite the increasing range of our extraterrestrial search, we have found only silence.--Electric Lit
This is the most depressing of the theories. Some theorize that after a civilization gets to a certain point with technology and using natural resources, that the planets and its inhabitants die. Kind of like what they warn us will happen with Global warming.
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I sure hope this isn't the case. The universe is so big and cold and lonely. It would suck to be the only ones here.
Regardless of what your theory is, my theory is, or science's theory is, we won't know until we talk to them and get the story.
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