For the last couple of years, Glacier National Park has been trying a vehicle reservation system.  The reservations are only needed in summer season, designed to help with congestion in popular areas of Glacier Park like the Going to the Sun Road.  It all started in 2021.


When I'm reading about people planning to go to Glacier, especially native Montanans, it seems like it's not too popular.

Honestly, my dad would be in the angry group of Montanans.  "Why in the blankety blank would I need a blankety blank reservation to see the blankety blank park in blankety Montana?"  Dad was one of those guys who'd call in the morning to see if I wanted to take a drive to the park with him THAT day.  He lived to his mid 70's and that's the access he was used to for Glacier his entire life.

Have Your Say In The Vehicle Reservation System At Glacier

The National Park Service is taking public comments until September 30, 2023.

There's a website on that page that takes you here.  You'll see the Park Service explaining why it is they do what they do in our national parks, including key issues from this survey, why it is they decided on the vehicle registration system and what they need to hear from us.

Story maps also outlines a couple of chances to meet in person about Glacier and the 2024 season.

The meeting for the East side

  • Monday, August 28, 5:30–7:30 p.m. MT
  • St. Mary Visitor Center, 50 Going-to-the-Sun Road, Browning, MT

And another meet up on the West side of the park

  • Tuesday, August 29, 5:30–7:30 p.m. MT
  • Cedar Creek Lodge, 930 2nd Ave W, Columbia Falls, MT

Whether you love the reservation system or hate it, now is the time to be heard.

Going To The Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana

Going To The Sun Road, Glacier National Park, Montana

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