Watch Out For Ticks This Season In Montana.
From now through summer is tick season in Montana.
Camping, day-hiking, and fishing trips are all fun and gets everyone to the great out doors.
Now, early in the season is a good time learn the facts and procedures to stay healthy and safe from ticks and related illness one can get from the tiny little bug.
READ MORE: Be Bear Aware in Montana
According to Montana.gov and The Department of Health and Human Services, there are ways prevent bites, checking for bites, and ways to treat and monitor bite if they occur.
-Wear an EPA registered insect repellent
-Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin
-Check for ticks often
-Shower soon after being out doors
-Put clothing in the dryer for 10 minutes after being outdoors to kill ticks
They give a diagram on how and where to check on your body.
There are four simple steps to remove ticks once they are located on the body.
Signs and symptoms After A Tick Bite
Once you remove a tick, there are signs and symptoms one can feel and should learn when dealing with a tick bite.
Montana Department of Health and Human services have lots of information HERE on what kind of ticks one can identify in Montana and what diseases they can potentially carry and transmit to anyone or anything they can cling onto.

I say that because one needs to check pets as well. Our furry friends love to tag along on adventure with us and they can experience ticks and their discomfort or disease as well.
Learning these perimeters can keep you and your pets safe and help maintain the outdoor fun this summer.
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