Cleaning Up Great Falls One Street At A Time; Thanks Public Works
Driving home from work I couldn't help but smile when I hit my neighborhood because my streets had just been swept by the city. It's so nice, like the whole town cares about making it a nice place to live, work and raise a family.
It's one of my favorite things about living in Great Falls, how clean it is. I've lived in 4 other towns in Montana, 2 large, Billings and Kalispell, 2 small, Choteau and Conrad, and I feel like Great Falls is the cleanest of them all. (Not that the other towns are dirty. I want to make that clear.) Yes, it could be personal bias because Great Falls is my favorite city in Montana, but I don't think so. Anyone who has driven to Glacier National Park knows what I mean when I say not all towns take so much pride in being clean and beautiful. When I lived in Coos Bay, Oregon, OMG! They didn't care too much about cleaning the town.
Did you know there are 303 street miles here in Great Falls? Our streets are swept 4 times a year, collector and arterials are cleaned 24 times a year and the business district streets and avenues get a daily cleaning. That's a lot of miles per sweeper. You can even request to have a street swept by calling 771-1401, and they'll get to it as soon as they have extra time.
I want to give a thank you to the City of Great Falls Public Works Department and all of the street sweepers and other employees of our city (like the snowplow drivers, tree trimmers, park maintenance, the list goes on and on.) that keep Great Falls a beautiful place to live. We don't say it often enough, but we appreciate you.
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