Open Letter To Native Montanans: We’d Better Wake Up
Dear Fellow Montanans,
I was born in Choteau, Montana. Any native Montanan will tell you that in order to be A Montanan you have to be born here. No matter what.
There’s something so core to my being that IS being a Montanan. I honestly don’t remember ever not feeling just a bit, I don’t know how to put it politely, but better than people who weren’t from here. I don’t mean superior as a human, I felt that I just kind of had a leg up on everyone because I was born and raised in America’s best kept secret.
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I am a Montanan. Not someone who went to Glacier or Yellowstone for vacation and fell in love so I moved here. Not someone who went to their Grandparents farm in Montana every summer. I was born here. My family is generational in this state. There is Toren blood, sweat and tears in the fabric of this land. Just like your family.
When I see rich, entitled a-hats come in and buy up our state at an inflated price, move their rich friends in so my regular Montana-born friends have to move out, it pisses me off.
When wanna-be cowboys and cowgirls buy hobby farms and ranches just to fulfill some kind of freakish fantasy, it pisses me off.
When people I know can’t access public lands because some rich mo-fo wants it all to themselves so they use money and influence to keep Montanans off of their public lands, it really pisses me off.
Turns out, it pisses off most of you, as well. We all have written plenty of articles ranting and raving about these elite a-hats. And if we’re honest, and it’s just us Montanans here, so why not, we’re kind of rude to them and braggy about it, like a bully. And you know what? I've done it too.
Should Governor's Debates Be Mandatory In Montana? Join The Conversation
That’s why I just don’t get WHY WE KEEP VOTING THEM INTO OFFICE. Oh. My. God! What. Are. We. Doing? I don’t mean Republican or Democratic shenanigans, I mean WHY ARE WE PUTTING OUT OF STATERS IN CHARGE OF OUR STATE? You know they're buying their way in to force us out, right? We need to wake TF up or we're going to wake up one day and the Montana we know will be GONE.
I can't get access to the article without paying, but the richy riches are trying to do a "land trade" to get their uncalloused hands on the Crazy Mountains. The article is called: To Buy A Mountain Range and it's in New York Magazine. This is just ONE of the nefarious things they'll do to take away our home.
JFC, Montana. Get. It. Together.
Just LOOK at how gorgeous our home is ⤵⤵⤵ We must protect her.
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