Open Letter: A Big Thank You For Returning My Prescription
Sometimes I'm Reminded That People Can Be Amazing
It's good to be reminded that there ARE still good people in this world, especially in Montana.
Here's My Story
Back in the spring, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Seems like a fairly easy fix, unless the 2 most common blood pressure medicines make you cough. All the time. Uncontrollably. For no reason. At any moment. Like when you're on the air.
It's been a horrific challenge finding the right medicine. Seriously, It was 3 months of coughing off and on all day. It felt like someone was poking the back of my throat with a three pronged tooth pick. Sometimes the pokey feeling was so intense it would make my eyes water. Not to mention constantly explaining that I really wasn't sick, it was my new medicine. Nobody believes that, by the way.
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Happily, last month, my doctor found the high blood pressure medicine that I could take that doesn't make me constantly cough. I get a cough or 2 during the day, but it's so much better.
So, I go to get my refill on the medicine I know will work. I ran to Albertson's while I was working, got a couple other things when I was there, then left the bag in my car.
After I Unpacked Everything, I Noticed My Prescription Was Missing
And in the big scheme of things, it was the only thing I bought that actually mattered and I couldn't find it anywhere.
A Wonderful Person Turned It Back In To The Pharmacy
I was so worried that I'd have to wait a month to get the good medicine, so I'd have to go back on the cough maker meds. But, instead, someone in Great Falls did such a nice, decent thing. They took the time to walk my prescription back to the pharmacy.
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Thank you. You have NO IDEA how much your kindness means to me, and this is the only way I have to thank you.
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