Unpopular Opinion? To Govern Montana You Need To Be Born Here
In Our 2024 Election, Neither Candidate For Governor Of Montana Are From Montana
For the love of all that's holy, I can already hear you out-of-staters who have lived here awhile yelling back at me things like:
- "He's lived here for 20 plus years"
- "You native-born Montanans are such a-holes about who is a Montanan and who isn't."
- "What makes you the one who decides who is and isn't Montana"
First, let's put something to bed for once and for all:
If you weren't born in Montana, YOU ARE NOT A MONTANAN
You will never ever BE a Montanan. Now, stop the sad face. If I move to the state where you were born, I wouldn't expect to call myself a Marylander or Californian. Do you know why? I WAS BORN IN MONTANA. That makes me a Montanan.
Ok, now that we've cleared that up, let's talk about something that's been in the back of my mind for about 20-25 years.
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To Run For Montana Governor, You Need To Be Born In Montana
You read that right. To run for governor of Montana, you need to have a ",Montana" on the space on your birth certificate that says where you were born.
AND you need to live here FULL TIME.
Hear me out.
If someone isn't born here, but they come here on vacation "and fall in love", that doesn't mean you "get" Montana. It means we did our jobs when you were visiting.
Before Gianforte, you have to go back to 1941 to find a Governor that wasn't born here.
These People Are In Love with the IDEA of Montana.
It's the "Look, I'm a Cowboy" thing that makes them think they know what makes Montana Montana and what actual Montanans want for their home.
I'm really tired of out-of-state money hoarders who think they can come into Montana, buy a hobby farm/hobby ranch, establish residency (when it's NOT cold), then decide that you want to step in and RUIN everything that makes our state what it is. The most amazing state in the union.
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What Do You Think?
Seriously, if enough of you like this idea, maybe we get a petition going and make it a bill. While we're at it, what about making that a rule for the governor, senators and congressmen?
I'd love to hear your opinion so email me your thoughts.
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