I gotta be honest right off the bat here, I HATE snakes. I am terrified of them, even the little baby garter snakes. My wife and I have a rule in our house, she takes care of any snakes we come across, I take care of the spiders.

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While I might be scared of snakes, I'm also FASCINATED by them. I can watch hours and hours of snake videos. Something about them being just on a video screen and not in the vicinity of my body makes it okay in my mind.

That is how I saw this video of a man, using a Go-Pro to document his travels, coming across a rattlesnake pit in Montana.

Michael Delaney via YouTube
Michael Delaney via YouTube

This guy is braver than I'll ever be. That or he's about the dumbest person in the world. If I came across that many rattlesnakes in one place I'd turn around and never return.

He decided to film them, and in a way, antagonize them. Rattlesnakes aren't aggressive by nature. They'll warn you with their rattles then if you don't heed their warning that's when they'll strike.

Michael Delaney via YouTube
Michael Delaney via YouTube

That picture is about two seconds before the rattler on the bottom right struck his Go-Pro and knocking it out of his hands and dropping it into the pit.

Michael Delaney via YouTube
Michael Delaney via YouTube

Now watching the video and hearing all those rattles just making a constant droning hiss, I'd just write off my Go-Pro. Not this guy though. Nope, he uses what looks to be a hockey stick to retrieve it.

Michael Delaney via YouTube
Michael Delaney via YouTube

I'm glad he wasn't hurt and was able to get his Go-Pro back allowing me to see this video. Still doesn't mean I like snakes anymore than I did before I saw it.

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