How Much Do You Know About Santa? Check Out These Cool Facts.
It's nearly Santa's big day, and it got me wondering, just what do we know about this guy? He comes into our homes once a year when we're sleeping, and we never see him. Maybe it's time we get to know this yearly visitor. I consulted The Daily Meal and Parade to get the details on this elusive guest.

Is Santa A Real Person?
OF COURSE he's a real person. Santa can be traced back to 280 AD. Saint Nickolas was a travelling monk in the area of Turkey who helped the poor and sick. Santa has been spreading good will for thousands of years
Santa spreading cheer
What Is Santa's Real Name?
He's also known as Saint Nickolas and Chris Kringle. Of course, around the world, he has other names such as Father Christmas or Christmas Man.
Is Santa Married And What Is His Wife's Name?
Yes, Santa is a married man. She's kept out of the spotlight for centuries with some believing her name is Mary, like Merry Christmas, or Jessica, like in the movie "Santa Clause Is Coming to Town".
Santa and Mrs Claus
Why Does Santa Live At The North Pole?
It's for the reindeer. In order for them to thrive, they need to live in a place that is very, very cold. The remote location doesn't hurt either to keep his workshop safe and to deter the paparazzi.
North Pole Sign
What Tradition Does Santa Love The Most?
The milk and cookies, of course. Cookies are his favorite food, and milk is his favorite drink. Children started leaving cookies and milk out for Santa in the Great Depression as a thank you for the gifts in such a hard time in the world. Santa loved it so much, that the tradition continues today.
Cat and Dog eating and drinking Santa's cookies and milk.
Can A Person Really Call Or E-Mail Santa?
You bet. Santa loves to hear from girls and boys. You can reach the big guy at 605-313-4000. Keep in mind, everyone at the North Pole is really busy around the holiday, so you may get a message. His e-mail is santa@officialsantaemail.com.
Santa Using Cell Phone
Can Santa's Journey Be Followed?
Yes! Norad tracks Santa every year. Click here to watch him travel, and make sure you're tucked into bed before he gets to your house.
Santa's Sleigh flying above the city during Christmas
Does Santa Have A Naughty Or Nice List?
You bet he does. Make sure you make the right list.
Santa checking the naughty and nice list
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