Why Are People So CRAZY In Yellowstone National Park?

What is it about Yellowstone National Park that makes people just plain nutty? Every week, or at least month, during tourist season, we see about people doing things that any respectable Montanan would NEVER DO, like get drunk and kick a bison. It hasn't even been a month since I wrote that article.  Get caught up on the bison kicking Idaho duo here.

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Check out this gem of a video that I happened to stumble upon today on Instagram:

It looks like this went down around Saturday, May 18, 2024. I'm with the guy who said, "the bison are really letting me down this year".

What In The National Park Are These People Thinking?

Yellowstone National Park has this on their website:


  • Never approach wildlife
    The animals in Yellowstone are wild and unpredictable, no matter how calm they appear to be. The safest (and often best) view of wildlife is from inside a car. Always stay at least 100 yards (91 m) away from bears and wolves, and at least 25 yards (23 m) away from all other animals, including bison and elk.
  • Stay on boardwalks and trails in thermal areas
    Hot springs have injured or killed more people in Yellowstone than any other natural feature. Keep your children close and don’t let them run.
  • Never feed wildlife
    Animals that become dependent on human food may become aggressive toward people and have to be killed. Keep all food, garbage, or other smelly items packed away when not in use.
  • Never park in the road or block traffic
    Use pullouts to watch wildlife and let other cars pass. Stay with your vehicle if you encounter a wildlife jam.

We can’t guarantee your safety in Yellowstone, but these concepts will help you avoid the most common accidents."

This is a direct quote copied from the Yellowstone National Park website.  Very straightforward.  WHAT DON'T PEOPLE GET?


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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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