The Latest Trend In Montana: Boo Baskets

Said no working parent ever: "What else can we do for the holidays? There just isn't enough going on, and I'm not spending enough time and money on needless things."

Said no other working parents ever : "How about we start putting together an Easter Basket for Halloween called a Boo Basket. The moms ('cause let's be real) can now go out just before October starts, and put together a basket full of fall stuff for the kids and their friends BEFORE the holidays even officially start. It can be filled with cozy things like blankets, pajamas, candy and coffee/hot cocoa and coffee/hot cocoa stuff. Probably only around $50 each average. Not to mention the time shopping and assembling. No big deal."

And the rule is if you get a Boo Basket as an adult, you're supposed to give someone else one.

adult boo basket montana

Seriously? What In The Pumpkin Spice, Montana

Halloween is already filled with SO MUCH FUN. How is it not special enough? There are Halloween decorations, Halloween movies, Halloween parties, Halloween treats, Trick-or-Treating, Halloween costumes. Why in the jack-o-lantern do we need to do more?

Parents Around Montana And America Are Sounding Off

From Delish, I saw these quotes from fed up parents:

"Lol not doing that. I shall celebrate the fall properly with my kids, by making them join us in hand pressing cider so that they can be thankful they live in modern society," one said. "Watch out, veterans' day baskets are coming for us next!" another joked. "Utterly needless consumerism," a third person added. "It's not just you. I've made it a personal goal going forward to not get caught up in this sh@&," a person said. "Materialism is not what makes memories. My kid will be happy without all this crap. I don't want to teach him he always needs or GETS stuff."

Then there's this reality, also from the article from Delish:

"Ok, so I'm going to be the Debbie Downer here. The person who breaks the chain because they can't afford to reciprocate or don't have the time (or other reasons) must feel like crap," a person wrote.

fall gift basket montana

What's your take on the Boo Basket trend? Hit us up on App Chat.

Keep Halloween Safe: Trick or Treating, Parties and Costumes

Adults AND kids need all the 'tricks' they can get to be safe on Halloween. What should be a fun day of friends, candy and gatherings can also be wrought with bad weather and mischief. Using common sense and a few cool tricks can keep everyone a little more safe, so we can have more fun!

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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Are you looking for a great Halloween costume? Here are a few Montana-themed ideas!

Gallery Credit: jessejames

Most Popular Dog Halloween Costumes for This Year

As Halloween is about to roll around, you want to know the most popular dog Halloween costumes for this year. From old standbys that are still a hit, to costumes based on this year's popular movies, you will have plenty of great ideas.

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