Have You Heard The Legend Of Montana's Sacrifice Cliff?

This is another one of those eerie Montana legends that we don't know is true or not. But isn't that half the fun? Plus, most legends are based on some facts.

Sacrifice Cliff Overlooks Billings, Montana

Billings Montana Sacrifice Cliff
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Without knowing it, I've been in the area of Sacrifice Cliff many times. It provides an amazing view of Montana's largest city, Billings.

This Is the Legend Of Sacrifice Cliff:

Only In Your State tells the story like this:

The Crow tribe used the cliff as a place for young boys and men to go meditate, and they came from miles around to do just that.

The legend says that at the time of smallpox, two teen boys from the Crow tribe came home from Sacrifice Cliff and found their entire tribe dead from smallpox. Some of the legends say the tribes smallpox victims included their families and the women the boys loved.

Legend goes on to say the boys were to overtaken with grief that they decided to blindfold their horses and ride off of Sacrifice Cliff to join their families and the rest of the tribe in the afterlife.

Billings Montana Sacrifice Cliff
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Although no one can verify if this legend really happened, the truth about smallpox and the Native Americans makes this story somewhat believable. In the 1800's smallpox killed around 90 percent of Native Americans who contracted the easy to spread disease, according to Montana's PBS.

Need Some Spooktacular Montana Haunted Locations? Check This Out, If You Dare 🔻🔻🔻

The Most Haunted Locations In Montana

For whatever reason, some folks just enjoy being scared. Whether they're watching a horror film, or paying to go through a "haunted" house or corn maze, the thrill of being frightened is a rush for many. Here in Montana, we have several places that are thought to be "haunted", however, these are the real deal and not something you would see on a movie screen.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

Don't Look Now, But It's More Haunted Montana 👀

7 Popular Haunted Locations To Explore In Montana

Gallery Credit: Jenni Allen

And Now, Haunted Montana Houses, Please 👇👇

Look Inside The Scariest And Most Haunted Houses In Montana

Two different websites say these are the most haunted houses in Montana. Take a peek inside and see if they're truly scary.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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