This Montana Town Most Likely To Be Hit By A Tornado?
Montana isn't exactly the place you think of as a place tornadoes touch down.
We experience things close to tornadoes, such as Gale force winds all throughout the state and towns are just generally windy in north-central Montana.
No matter how winds shift in Montana, one should always be prepared for Tornado touch down around here.
READ MORE: Tornadoes In Montana, Be Prepared.
There is a small town here in the state of Montana that has a very good chance of tornado touchdown.
According to the tornado Index Wibaux, MT is most likely to see a tornado touchdown in the state of Montana.
Wibaux is a small town in eastern Montana right next to the border in Wibaux County on I-94. According to Wikipedia, It has a current population based on the 2020 census of 589 and it's elevation is 2,654 feet above sea level.
For reference, it's right here on the map.
Looking at an article from, Wibaux's tornado index lands a 32.74 which is the highest ranking in the state, It doesn't seem like much compared to Oklahoma where it gets to 363.83, but that's where you get into tornado alley and a higher risk of such weather.
Tornadoes are weird in the state of Montana.
They don't happen that often. I remember only two in my lifetime getting close. One about twenty years ago that touched down briefly in Vaughn, MT ripping a roof off of a convenience store, and one in Billings Dubbed ''The Father's Day Tornado" in 2010 which brought damage to the Metrapark and caused some flooding.
There was also a strange tornado recently that was witnessed on top of a mountain.
Read about it and watch a video here:
READ MORE: Tornado in the Mountains
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