Remember To Clean, Drain, and Dry While Recreating In MT.
Some people can't wait to get out and boat this summer. We hope you got some water time over the Memorial day weekend.
After the fun day on the water always remember to help Montana by preventing the spread of invasive species of both animal and plant by doing these three things.
READ MORE: Boat Safety In Montana
Clean, Drain, and Dry.
After you get out, full inspection and these three steps are essential and required in the state of Montana.
According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, they have steps for both motorized and non-motorized boats, and they are pretty much the same for both.
- CLEAN off visible aquatic plants, animals, and mud from watercraft, gear, paddles, floats, ropes, anchors, dip nets, and trailer before leaving water access. Scrub hull using a stiff brush. Rinse watercraft, trailer and equipment with high pressure hot water, when possible.
- DRAIN water from watercraft, sponges, bailers, and water containing devices before leaving water access.
- DRY everything five days or more when moving between waters to kill small species not easily seen OR wipe with a towel before reuse.
- Sailors: Clean off visible aquatic plants, animals, and mud from the centerboard, bilge board wells, rudderpost, trailer and other equipment before leaving water access.

There's one other rule for motorized boats.
- Jet Boats and Personal Watercraft (PWCs) users: Clean off visible aquatic plants, animals, and mud from hull, trailer, intake grate and steering nozzle, etc. Run engine 5-10 seconds to blow out excess water and vegetation from internal drive before leaving water access.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has a rule when returning home from your adventure
If transporting within Montana:
If you carry or tow any watercraft (non-motorized and motorized) or water-based equipment, you must stop at all open watercraft inspection stations you encounter.
If you're coming into Montana:
All watercraft entering Montana are required to be inspected for aquatic invasive species. You must obtain an inspection before launching on Montana waters. Stop at all open inspections stations you encounter
If rules are not followed there is in enforcement that could in fines:
- You can be charged with a felony and fined up to $5000 if you knowingly or purposely attempt to introduce AIS into Montana waters.
- You can be cited for driving past an inspections station if you are hauling or carrying a watercraft.
All rules and enforcement can be accessed with additional rules and regulations at the Montana, Fish, Wildlife and Parks website by clicking HERE.
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