Great Falls Reject Hate: Community Clean-up Day Huge Success
Lately, Great Falls has seen a rash of Nazi White Supremist propaganda plastered all over downtown. READ MORE about Nazi's in Great Falls HERE. It's real knuckle dragger stuff like this:
Sunday, September 10, 2023 was the Reject Hate: Community Clean-up Day in Great Falls.

An impressive group of volunteers removed about 50 of the Nazi stickers from around Great Falls. Afterwards, they all got together to chalk the sidewalks downtown with messages of love and inclusion.
As nobody wants Nazi's feeling like Great Falls could be home, I'd like to point out the community leaders that volunteered their time on Sunday: Libertarian Candidate SD24 Tony Rosales, Candidate for Mayor Cory Reeves, Candidate HD19 Jane Weber, Candidate HD21 Lela Graham, Candidate for Mayor Casey Schreiner, and City Commissioner Eric Hinebauch. These people are true leaders.
There is one member of the community that isn't mentioned here, and I'd like to make a spectacle of her for a moment, Jasmine Taylor. Jasmine was out cleaning up the stickers ON HER OWN weeks before clean up day. She was also instrumental in organizing this event to rid our beautiful little river town of this racist filth. I'd personally like to thank Jasmine for her time and her huge guts. Jasmine speaks up and says the things others are afraid of saying, putting herself at great personal risk. Thank you, Jasmine. Great Falls is better because of you.
Thank you to everyone who was out Sunday removing stickers and replacing them with messages of love and acceptance. We're fortunate to have each and every one of you call Great Falls your home.
LOOK: Pictures from Reject Hate: Community Clean-up Day
Reject Hate: Great Falls Community Cleanup Day
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