Hook, Line, and Hike: Montana’s Beloved Pursuits
We asked and you answered! We wanted to know, what is your favorite "Montana" activity? Some things just scream "Montana" to the world, and we love to participate in those activities.
Many Things To Do
Montana is a beautiful and enormous state, with so many things to do. Because it's so big, the options range greatly. What might be an option in Kalispell might not be in Glendive.
Personally, I'd have to say my favorite Montana activity is hiking and watching my pup chase prairie dogs. He'll get one...one of these days (no, he won't).
A Common Thread
Surprisingly, nobody else mentioned hiking. I honestly thought that would be one of the top answers. I will say, there was a common theme to many of the answers. It's hard to spot, see if you can.
Kidding, obviously, it's not hard to spot at all. The most common answer was some sort of combination of boating or fishing. It's funny because when friends and family come to visit from back east, they often comment on the lack of lakes available for boating. Not everyone has ten thousand lakes, Minnesota.
Our Favorite Things
Many of your favorite things were outdoor activities. Montana is a wonderful place to be outdoors, both in the summer and the winter.
Different Opinions
There were a few people whose favorite activities I'm not so sure I agree with. Good thing we're pretty sure they're being sarcastic (if not, we hope you find healing).
Absolutely not, sir. Keep those vest-wearing workers away from us!
More like a least favorite activity of Montanans.
Lord have mercy on our souls. Favorite activity? No. Common activity? Absolutely.
Things Got Weird
As time went on, the answers got a little...quirkier.
Ok, but...is this an activity? Perhaps it can be integrated into an activity, like hiking or homesteading.
And last, but not least:
Again, I'm just not convinced this counts as an activity? We certainly all enjoy it, though!
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