15 Crazy Kitchen Items That Are Completely Useless but Sorta Cool
The information superhighway seems to be a blessing but also a curse, depending on how much time you spend on it. To the casual user, probably the first, but for anyone that spends the day combing websites for information on entertainment, politics, topics of interest or wanting to get the best deal on an item, you will find yourself heading down that dreaded "rabbit hole" of the internet.
Curses Upon The Entrepeneur That Has Now Become an Astro-Traveller
Being a man, there are certain purchases that will happen simply because of the name of something. I mean, manufacturers and dealers didn't sell a bunch of Hummers just because people like filling that gas hog up. So, when my wife tasked me with a new disposal unit for the kitchen sink from the hardware store, I really could not pass this one up.
I know what you're thinking. "Did he really buy that just because of the name?" Well, yes, I'm a guy. But it also had great ratings and was twice the power of our original crappy one that could barely deal with lettuce, let alone anything that might actually put up a fight.
Did You Just Feel Like You Went Down a Separate Rabbit Hole?
See how easy that was? Talking about them and suddenly we are in one. Which is exactly what happened to me doing the dishes a few nights ago. I noticed the name on my disposal and curiously wondered if there were other funny names of appliances out there. Which then led me to a whole new hole of the internet and those pesky people of Amazon that seem to have anything and everything that none of us really need. So, let's dive in and have a look, shall we?

We've also included a great bonus gallery for you after reading our top 15 list, check out more items that may be in your very own junk drawer in the kitchen. What unique items would we find?
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 15A Microwave S'more Maker
C'mon...seriously? A microwavable version of the campfire mainstay? I don't even know where to start about ruining a camping and outdoor right of passage with this product.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 14Because Who Doesn't Want To See Their Dog's Nose In HD
I am not sure about other pet owner's dogs or cats, but in my house, this would last all of the first treat to come out. After that, they would be tearing it from it's mount to get at the rest of the goodies inside. It would have to be mounted in a separate cage to keep it safe.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 13Some Ideas Should Just Never Make It To The Store Shelf
Yet somehow someone out there decided to present this to a company and an executive actually thought it would sell. This is probably why I am not an executive at any company. The person who made this item is probably drinking matais on a beach and laughing when the check arrives each month.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 12How Big Of A James Bond Fan Are You?
You would have to be a huge one. Who needs one of these on the counter in the kitchen or even at the basement bar? Bond himself probably doesn't even own one of these, especially with that price tag of almost $300. Ouch!
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 11Does A College Degree Come With It To Know How To Operate It?
A balance coffee maker? In gold nonetheless? I can hardly operate the pod coffee maker at 4am, I don't think operating heavy machinery like this is going to end well for me.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 10Careful, They Will Expect A Waiter And Wine List Next
We love our pets, but when does even watering them become this hard? Or this fancy? Maybe I just need to eat more at the table instead of the kitchen counter. This setup is only missing candles and ambient light to make the perfect dinner area.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 9Truly Cool, But How Many Times Will It Be Used By The Kids Or Grandkids?
Sure, I like donuts, but how many of these little tidbits are you going to be able to keep eating weekend in and out? If you are like me, probably until your doctor tells you to stop doing whatever is you have been doing.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 8How Many Times A Week Are People Eating Things Like This?
When football season is upon us, yes, we eat this more than usual. But enough to warrant an actual pretzel machine with a cheese warmer included? It might look cool sitting on the table in front of the big screen when the party arrives, but this is a bulky waste of space in the cupboard.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 7Is It Dishwasher Safe? I Can't Imagine Hand Washing This
Frankly, this scares me. I just see myself trying to clean it and it breaks in the sink, cutting whatever may lay in its path. Perhaps I am just clumsy. Either way, it's a no for me, even if I was a wine drinker.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 6I Want A Big Bowl Of Maple Syrup
It may be my lack of culture, but this item really doesn't make sense to me. I love waffles, but what would I fill a bowl made with them with? Whipped creme? A lot of my favorite syrup? I suppose the possibilities are endless, but it doesn't make the list of must haves to take up counter space for me.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 5My Sophistication Is Showing On This One
I don't mean in a good way either. Are wine bottles overly hard to open in the first place that you need a special machine to open them for you? Or is this more for after the first bottle and you can't operate the manual corkscrew?
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 4With The Price Of Eggs, This May Not Be A Bad Idea
Technology makes its way into everything. Even the egg container. Ever wonder what the oldest egg in the carton is? How many you have left in the fridge but you are at the store? This smart egg holder can do it all, just with an app on your phone.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 3There Is A Bit Of An Art To This Cooking Skill
But enough of a skill that can't be mastered that you need a special machine just to flip over the eggs for your omelet? More useless stuff to clog up the cupboard and for you to have to hand wash in the sink.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 2Ok, So For Backyard Grills, This Might Be Pretty Cool
These last two items are pretty darn cool. Who wouldn't want a pepper grinder bat to show off in the backyard grilling area? Although, it may become interesting at family gatherings when you ask for pepper.
- Amazon.com
Amazon.com 1I've Already Place My Order For This Summer
I can still remember a set of these that my father was gifted at some point. Now I can have my very own customizable set for the grill on my deck. Talk about a conversation starter when your name is on that steak for the in-laws!
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