How Illegal is it to Impersonate a Police Officer In MT?
It goes without saying that in Montana or anywhere else in the United States that it's illegal to impersonate and or operate under the guise of a police officer or any public servant.

Pulling people over, identifying, giving out lawful orders, stopping traffic, or even using lights and sirens to clear roads for one's own benefit are usually frowned upon.
Some bad eggs use the presumed authority of a police officer to commit a number of offenses ranging from petty crimes all the way up to some of the most horrific crimes done and attempted Montana and even Great Falls has ever seen.
How illegal is it to impersonate a member of law enforcement or a public servant?
Right off the bat, we can deduce that it's felony arrest, for sure. You will be detained, questioned, and put in custody if and when you get caught. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Montana has code that stipulates what would happen if convinced of such crimes.
Montana code for Falsification of Public Matters stipulates under 45-7-209 Impersonation Of a Public Servant is:
A person commits the offense of impersonating a public servant if the person falsely pretends to hold a position in the public service with the purpose to induce another individual to submit to the pretended official authority or otherwise to act in reliance upon that pretense to the individual's prejudice.
There is indeed a fine and punishment.
A person convicted of impersonating a public servant shall be fined not to exceed $5,000 or be imprisoned in the state prison for any term not to exceed 5 years, or both.
Not only does impersonating police or pubic officials become dangerous for everyone involved, it hurts public trust in a municipality and just hurts a community at large.
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