Is It Time To Remove Election Duties From The Clerk & Recorder?
The shenanigans that occur in our Cascade County Clerk and Recorders Office are starting to really affect the way things are run in Cascade Country.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I told you how CCCR office is now involved in 2 lawsuits over the alleged mishandled election for the irrigation and drainage election in May 2023.
Now, due to the election in May this year, Great Falls Public Schools have asked that election duties in Cascade County be removed from the Clerk and Recorders Office and moved to the commission office.
From The Electric: The letter was signed by Superintendent Tom Moore, Brian Patrick GFPS business Operations manager and Gordon Johnson, chairman of the school board.
This request is made due to the numerous issues and concerns that have arisen in recent elections, particularly the Great Falls Public Schools trustee election held in May of 2023
The letter also includes how ballots were not available when the polling site opened, and that not every registered mail-in voter received their ballot.
This is a picture of my mail-in ballot for the school board election. Of course, I was forced to go vote in person due to the shape my ballot was in upon receiving it from the county. (Merchant is on the record as wanting to get rid of mail-in voting in Cascade County.) As you can see, the ballot and envelopes were all stuck together. If I'd have torn them apart and tried to use that ballot, my ballot would have been rejected.

Given these multiple instances of mismanagement and inefficiency, Great Falls Public Schools believes that transferring the responsibilities of the elections office to the Cascade County Commissioners would ensure greater accountability, transparency and competence in the administration of elections. We are confident that the County Commissioners would prioritize effective communication, collaboration and fair practices, which are essential to a functioning democracy
Merchant Responds To The Letter:
From The Electric: Merchant wrote:
I do not believe that having elections be managed by the County Commissioners is necessary or positive in any light
She went on further explaining
More importantly, it would eliminate the ability of the people to choose who runs their elections
Merchant has never once admitted that she has absolutely no idea of what she is doing. Instead, she blames everyone around the state, including Vote 411 and Montana's Secretary of State.
This is MY question for The Cascade County Clerk and Recorders Office
If Merchant is so concerned by the ability of people to choose who runs their elections, why does it appear that Rae Grulkowski is running the elections THROUGH Merchant? She is a commissioner and Merchant seems to think that's just fine.
Why is someone like Julie Bass, a proud election denier and semi-professional gas-lighter, working the elections?
Merchant needs to SHOW integrity with the way she does her job instead of CRYING integrity when one of the many problems that office has comes to light.
What Will Come of The GFPS Request?
Only time will tell. We will keep you updated as we find out details.
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