Can You Drive One Of These On MT Roads?
Everyone loves a golf cart whether they are on the fairway or just driving around property giving the grandkids a ride.
My dream as a kid was to drive a golf cart to school and finally ditch that school bus, but it was only a dream because golf carts are expensive and my parents didn't start golfing until we all grew up.
Now that I'm a grown-up, I've always wanted to know if I could drive a golf cart to work.
READ MORE: Montana Golf Course Top 100 In America
Is it legal or illegal to drive a golf cart thought the streets and roads of Montana?
It's a bit complicated.
Montana surprisingly has a code for operation of golf carts. According to Montana Code 61-8-391 Operation of golf carts -- unlawful operation -- exception -- required equipment
A person may not operate a golf cart on a public street or highway open to the public unless the operation is specifically authorized by ordinance or regulation passed by the local governing body of the county, city, or town for a public street or highway under its jurisdiction.
A Person NEEDS to have a valid drivers license to operate this vehicle, and there are exceptions.
A golf cart may not be operated on a public street or highway when permitted by this section unless it is equipped with:
-At least one and not more than two headlamps
-At least one taillamp
-At least one reflector
-Stop lamps
-A horn
-A mirror that reflects to the driver a view of the highway
In addition to all these stipulations there are LSV or Low Speed Vehicle laws in Montana.

According to a section of Montana code 61-8-378:
A low-speed electric vehicle or golf cart operated by a person with a low-speed restricted driver's license may be operated only on a highway for which the posted speed limit does not exceed 25 miles per hour.
That means that you can only drive on a certain type of road and not just anywhere.
If your commute road is 25 and under, you're in the clear.
Make sure you check all the rules before you fire up the golf wagon and remember to have fun with it.
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