Can You Install A Speed Bump In The Street In Montana?
In your neighborhood in Montana you would like to think that everyone passing by would go at a prudent and safe speed keeping everyone like kids, pets, and other residents safe.

You look outside and some people drive by faster than the speed limit and it gets tiring running out and yelling to slow down every time someone blazes through the neighborhood.
One day it seems like a good idea to install a speed bump on your street, you see them at the grocery store and it definitely helps with speed control, and all you what is some peace of mind that people will go slow dispite all the signs posted.
So, is one able to install a speed bump in front of their house?
Well, yes and no.
If one wants to build a speed bump on a residential public street, one would have to get proper approval from the county or city council.
It would go to a vote with officials. With special circumstances construction companies would come in, build it, and post signs warning drivers of the object in the road. If said steps were not met, it would be quite dangerous to say the least, not to mention all the car suspensions being destroyed in the process.
Where you can install them is on your own property, private roads on your property can have speed bumps to keep a proper speed within the property. That's one of the reasons you see them in store parking lots because that is private property.
In the meantime, watch out for speeders.
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