Every year, we, the DJ's on your favorite stations, are asked to do stage announcements for the fair.  I thought it would be cool to give you a look at what we see.

I have to tell you that for me, it's the best 3-5 minutes of my year.  There's nothing like the energy of a rock concert.  A large group of people in a great mood, who obviously like the same music, getting ready to "party" with the band.  The energy is just amazing.  My favorite stage announcer partner ever, including my late husband, Dave the Morning Guy, is Nick Northern.  That guy can rile a crowd up like no one else, and I'm glad he's on stage with me.  It's just THE BEST feeling there is.  I know what you're thinking, and it's better than that, too.  You can argue with me, but until you've introduced a band in front of thousands of people, you really have nothing to base it on.

Before we get into the pictures backstage of both Skillet and Cheap Trick, I have to let you know things have changed since the Corona Virus.  I know we like to act like it's gone, but it's not, and things have been modified accordingly.  VERY FEW artists are doing meet and greets and some, like Cheap Trick, won't let anyone on the stage but the band.

And now for what happens back stage

First rule about stage announcements and backstage, no, you can't take anyone with you that isn't on the list. And there's always a list.  Then, you hurry up to get there around 1/2 an hour to an hour before the show, only to wait until 5 minutes before the show.  The road or band manager will let you know if it's a "hard" open, like for Skillet, where you actually introduce the band, or if it's a "soft" open, like for Cheap Trick, who has their own intro they like to play.  A majority of them are soft opens.  Then they'll let you know if there's anything in particular they'd like you to say, and how much time you have to say it.

This year and last year were strange because of Covid. To introduce Cheap Trick, it was so odd to stand on the ground, stage left, and try to rile up the crowd that couldn't see you.  But, then again, you have to respect the fact they don't want to get Covid and, possibly, derail the whole tour. Introducing Skillet, that, my friend was the stuff!

Check out the backstage gallery!  Hopefully, next year, we can get the access that we usually get and we can show you even more of that rocky, backstage goodness!


A look at what we see when we introduce your favorite bands!


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