Everywhere you look, there is talk of AI generated EVERYTHING.

Sometimes, AI can be fun.  Sometimes, we need to be reminded it will be awhile before the world goes all Terminator and robots and AI rule the world and kill all the humans.  Humans have some work to do before that happens.

LOOK: Montana Lake One Of The Best In America

For Fun, I Had Canva AI Generate Pictures From Popular Montana Tourist Destinations

We're going to go through these one by one.  I'll tell you what I asked for, then I'll tell you some of the things I spotted in the photos.  If you see something I didn't, be sure and let me know here.

Berkley Pit, Butte

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

Where to even start?  I asked for "family selfie at Berkley Pit in Butte Montana".  That looks like a football field to me.  Now, let's talk about the arms and hands. Now, let's talk about the guy in the middle.

Cathedral of Saint Helena

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Cathedral of Saint Helena, Helena, Montana".  This person is either a giant, or they're levitating, or both.  I won't mention the face.

Electric City Waterpark

Canva AI Generator
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Electric City Waterpark, Great Falls, Montana".  Not only is this some kind of indoor waterpark, get a load of that chick's arm.  How about the people in the pool?

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Flathead Lake, Glacier National Park

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Flathead Lake, Montana".  Her arm, obviously, but there is something jacked up about her sunglasses as well.

Garden of a Thousand Buddhas

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Garden of A Thousand Buddhas, Montana".  Not only is this not the Garden of a Thousand Buddhas, look at her hand by her face and her head.

Glacier National Park

Canva AI Generator
Canva AI Generator
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I asked for "tourists at Glacier National Park, Montana".  Canva AI has a REALLY hard time with words.  Just look at the signs.  Then, if you zoom in on the tourists, there are all kinds of freaky things going on.

Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center" and I had to use all 4 of the pictures it made.  I think they speak for themselves.

Little Bighorn Battlefield

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Little Big Horn Battle Field".  Um, the arm and the fingers and the camera being backwards.  Dude.

Museum of the Rockies

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie with a dinosaur at The Museum of the Rockies".  I think this is my very favorite.  There's just so much to unpack.  The phone camera is backwards and has a completely different scene on it, there is some kind of 2-headed dino in the back, and did I mention the man has a dinosaur face?

Old Shep Memorial

Canva AI Generator
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Old Shep Memorial in Fort Benton".  I don't even know what to say or where to begin.  We'll start with the paws for hands, the pants with the different colored legs, and end with this isn't the Old Shep Memorial and the word thing, again.

Ryan Dam

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "tourists at Ryan Dam, Great Falls, Montana". There are so many things, like this isn't Ryan Dam and oh boy are those faces creepy.

Zoo Montana

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Zoo Montana, Billings".  First, what is going on with the dude's arms?  Second, just WHAT IS the animal in the background?

Yellowstone National Park

Canva AI Generated Tourists at Popular Montana Tourist Attractions
Canva AI Generator

I asked for "selfie at Yellowstone National Park".  This is not that strange with the exception of the guy not having legs and their faces.  Otherwise, this is pretty common for tourists in Yellowstone.

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