There are foods in certain places you travel that you hear about or see and your curiosity sparks, maybe someone says you have to experience it, maybe the Food Network is all over it. Either way when you travel through The Treasure State, this food is a must to check off your list.

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1) Pastys

This has it's origins in joy old England; however, it found a permanent seat in Butte, America as a choice meal for both miners in the old days, everyone in Butte, and all across Montana. Butte has only one main rival in the pasty war, some say the best pastys come from Anaconda, MT. I don't pick sides, unless it's gravy.

Mrs. Wrights Pastys via Facebook
Mrs. Wrights Pastys via Facebook

2) Pork Chop John

Many have replicated this sandwich but nothing comes close to a real Pork Chop Johns from Butte. Anaconda has the same rivalry for this as they do with pastys. Many generations of families argue on what goes on the traditional Pork Chop John, but I assure you, just go to the stand and order it loaded.

The Official Pork Chop John's via FAcebook
The Official Pork Chop John's via Facebook

3) Tom and Jerrys

Right in downtown Great Falls we have a place called the City Bar. Every year during the holidays mainly Christmas, Its an honored tradition for the crew to whip up a batch of Tom and Jerry mix that everyone enjoys on a cold winter day. The cool thing is you can have batches sent out if you are far away. My suggestion is to drink it fresh right here in town.

The City Bar via Facebook
The City Bar via Facebook

4) Cowboy Caviar

A dish that isn't quite Montana-centric; however, I do see this at nearly any Montana barbecue or get together whether it's formal or informal. It's very tasty, easy to make and if you can manage to save some after the party, you will find yourself heading to the fridge every ten minutes for a bite.


5) Rocky Mountain Oysters

By far the most popular of Montana food the rest of the world is familiar with, the rocky mountain oyster is something one can get all across the west. In Montana up until recently had the world famous and often copied Testy Fest. The wild party was held in summer, where you would get a little tipsy and eat some nice deep fried bull balls. People still have small parties of their own frying up these delicious delicacies, you might just bump into a few. I suggest enjoying them paired with your favorite Montana beer.

Getty Images
Getty Images

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