Cascade County Attorney Sets The Record Straight On Upcoming Local Elections.
Reports last week that some local elections may be canceled are not true according to Cascade County Attorney Josh Racki. He says all elections will happen but the process may be a bit different this time around.
The upcoming elections will not be done by mail only because a new company to handle the sorting has not been selected and the old company used is now out of business. He says reports that absentee ballots will not go out in the mail for upcoming elections are also not true. He says absentee ballots will still go out in the mail. And for the May 2 Great Falls School Board Election, absentee ballots will go out on April 17th. And they are due back in the office by election day. If you want to vote absentee just contact the Cascade County Elections office.
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Racki, whose office represents legal issues for all county departments says one thing that will change this year is people that do not vote by absentee ballot will then have to show up at the polls on election day if they want to vote.
People were out protesting in front of the elections office this week saying newly elected elections director Sandra Merchant should lose her job. She won the position by a narrow margin last November, defeating a 16 year incumbent.
The one other rumor that popped up last week were reports that some elections may have to be canceled. Racki says that's just not true either. He says there was some talk of possibly moving the Great Falls Library Mill Levy to another date instead of the planned June 6th date and a final decision on that should come today (Wednesday).
UPDATE: County Elections Director Sandra Merchant says the library election will go on June 6th as originally planned. Absentee ballots will go out for this election but if you do not choose the absentee ballot route, you will have to vote in person on June 6.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?