Just The Facts Ma’am; Where Does Great Falls Rank In Montana?
I love looking at data, and the United States Census Bureau has it in spades. I decided to check out the Montana Census and Economic Information Center website to see some of the data for both Montana & Great Falls.
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As of the 2020 Census Montana topped 1 million people. We now have a population of 1,084,225. That's an increase of 94,810 or 2% growth from the last census done in 2010.
Here are some of the other stats I looked at:
Population & Sex
- Great Falls population was 60,442 in 2020 up from 58,505 in 2010
- Females in Great Falls make up 50.6% of the population with males at 49.6%
- In Montana it's flipped, males are 50.6% of the population with females at 49.6%.
- For males in Montana, the biggest age demographic is 20-24 with 37,918.
- For females in Montana, the biggest age demographic is 60-24 with 39,656.
- The median age for Montana residents 40.1
- 93.3% of Great Falls residents have a HS diploma.
- 27.2% have a Bachelor's degree or higher.
- 94.4% have a HS diploma in Montana.
- 33.7% have a Bachelor's degree or higher.
Employment, Income & Poverty
- 61.2% residents 16+ have a job in Great Falls.
- 62.9% in Montana.
- 63.1% in America.
- Median Income in Great Falls is $53,126.
- Montana is $60,560.
- America is $69,021.
- 14.5% of Great Falls residents are living in poverty.
- 11.9% in Montana.
- 11.6% in America.
- 9.1% of Great Falls residents under 65 are without health care.
- 10.1% for Montana.
- 9.8% for America.
Home Prices
- $190,300 is the Median Value of homes in Great Falls.
- $263,700 for Montana.
- $244,900 for America.
Race & Ancestry
- 85.4% of Great Falls residents are White.
- 4.7% are Native American.
- 1.1% are African American.
- 88.7% of Montana residents are White.
- 6.6% are Native American.
- 0.6% are African American.
- Our biggest Ancestry in Montana is German with 23.2%.
- Irish comes in second with 14.0%.
- English is third with 13.0%.
There is plenty more you can check out for yourself both here and here if you'd like to look or to see where I got the statistics from.
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