Legal Trouble Compounds For Trump
Last week I reported that things were “tightening up” for ol' Donald J Trump. Now it seems to be getting steadily worse.
Since my last report, he was denied his motion for Supreme Court to intervene into the DOJ investigation, as well as the DOJ volleying back with an appeal to remove Trump appointed special master. There was also the January 6th Committee subpoena that Trump quickly complained about, His likeliness to oblige has yet to be seen. Now it seems the government has discovered that Trump hotels overcharged the Secret Service for lodging during his presidency.

According to NPR, they overcharged tax payers over a million dollars in some 547 hotel stays for his detail. The charges were at times as high as $1,185 dollars per night, which is almost five times the set government rate set by General Services administration. The only ones reported were here on American soil because Trump has properties elsewhere on the planet as well. All of this goes against what Eric Trump Claims according to the New York Post as he says that the rooms were given either at discounted prices or at cost, “we charge them like fifty dollars.”
"the government actually … saves a fortune because if they were to go to a hotel across the street, they’d be charging them $500 a night, whereas, you know, we charge them like $50.” -Eric Trump to Yahoo finance
According to the New York Post, Secret Service obtained documents of the organization charging more than the per diem 40 times between 2017 and 2021. One According to The NY Post sees that they charged $1,160 per night when per diem at the time was $242
A great deal additional information can be seen at the citizens of ethics website here.
We will let you know when the snow boulder gets bigger.

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