Terror Between Pages – 5 Favorite Reads for Supernatural Mind Fun
Terror Between Pages - 5 Favorite Reads for Supernatural Mind Fun
You only need to step out the front door of your home to realize that Halloween is here. Decorations abound across the city of Great Falls, adorning homes, schools, businesses, and more.
For some, the season also means watching our favorite movies that give us all the feel of trying to make it through the scariest of haunted houses and displays. But when was the last time you sat down and let your mind do the work for you?
Getting Your Read on for the Month of October and Halloween Scariness
Admittingly, I don't read as much as I used to or probably should. And by read, I mean more than just cruising through social media. Actually, grabbing a book, sitting down on the couch and reading is something I just can't seem to find as much time for anymore.
I'm not sure what it is about this month, but it makes me head to the library of books we own and start digging through for a couple of favorites that I haven't visited in a while.

Turn Down the Lights, Get A Candle and Let Your Mind Run Amok
If you haven't picked up a decent novel in some time, whether it a new or old read, October is a great time to get back to making your mind do the work of the special effects crew.
Ready to smell the pages and feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? Let's get to the list of my favorite 5 books for the scary season.
- Stephen King - Christine While some do refer to him as the master of macabre, King can manage to pull emotions from the mind probably better than many in the business. Christine is always a favorite, especially since it involves a car.
2. Mary Shelley - Frankenstein There are a plethora of movies that have been made regarding the monster. Nothing beats the anticipation, the narrative or the feelings that reading the book will invoke for you.
3. Simon - The Necronomicon Earlier I suggested a dark room and candles. This book is probably best read in a well-lit room. Near the sun. One of the most chilling books you will ever pick up. Beware!
2. Stephen King - It When the movie hit a few years ago, everyone lost their collective mind about how scary Pennywise was. They hadn't read the book. He is much worse when you have to think about him and visualize his character.
1. Edgar Alan Poe - The Tell Tale Heart Making your heart pound is easy while trying to make it through this small, short story. The ticking. The tick, tick, tocking. You can feel the angst through the pages and will probably start lifting up boards to find it in your home.
Have a favorite of your own? Let us know by commenting on our social media pages, with the app chat feature or you can email me your thoughts here.