I knew when I was younger I wanted to have kids. I didn't ever really have a reason behind it but I knew that being a mom was going to be a part of my life in the future. As an adult I couldn't be happier with my four kids and seeing how their lives are forming, growing and changing.


I have always had some friends that never wanted to have kids and I was never mad at them for that decision because it is a big undertaking if you are not prepared. Even more so when you aren't prepared.

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Montana Live Birth Rates Are Steadily Decreasing

A study in 2022 from the March Of Dimes shows that over the 10 previous years there was a steady decline in the number of live births in Montana, which lead me to wonder...why is this happening?

Montana Birth Rates

Is there an increase in people who just do not want to have kids? Or is it because of the large financial burden having kids comes with. Either way the highest point in 2013 where the live birth rate was 67.2 per one thousand Montanans had dropped to 53.2 in 2022. Numbers for 2023 and 2024 were not included in this study.

Montanans Just Aren't Having Kids At The Rate We Used To

While there could be a number of reasons behind this I cant help but wonder why?

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My own personal belief? The cost of living is ridiculous and having to worry about feeding yourself plus how ever many more family members you decide to have. The cost of food can add up so quickly (especially with four growing boys in your house).

What can we do? We can provide options and support for those who want to have families, and not shame those who choose not to.

Here Is Where Most Montana Residents Were Born

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, almost half of Montana residents were not born here. Here are the states that have had at least 10,000 people born elsewhere but now live in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

7 Great 'Middle of Nowhere' Montana Bars and Restaurants

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

10 Hidden Gem Towns In Montana You Need To See According To AI

We asked Chat GPT "What cities in Montana are considered hidden gems that a first time visitor to the state should make sure to visit" here are the results.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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