How about this for a spooky Airbnb?
Reading the internet today, and I came across this little gem. Sure it's in Georgia, but hear me out.
The Byers House from Stranger Things is for sale! Yes the Byers House in Hawkins can be yours for just $300,000. Ok, in reality it's in Fayetteville, Georgia. And yes, the house isn't technically worth that much. However, it's part in Stranger Things makes this a great buy if you think about it.

Built in 1900 on 6 spooky acres. There's a barn included and it's on a dirt road. The house is 1,846 square feet with 3 bathrooms, 2 bedroom, a porch, central air, dishwasher, gas oven and electric heat (ouch!).
I feel like this is an Airbnb waiting to happen. Sure, the ACTUAL value is in the mid $200,000's, so you pay a bit for the fame, but that's what's going to make it work.
Deck this puppy out just like in the show, and you're good to go. I like the idea of this on the wall in the living room
Joyce's Ouija Board
And that's just the beginning. Put that binging to work by getting super freaky about the decorations. You have to have furniture in there as close to the show as possible, maybe some holes in the walls, etc. That goes for inside and out. What would be really cool is "family" pictures of the Byers scattered everywhere. Of course, Should I Stay or Should I Go, would be the first song on the playlist you leave for your renters.
Then price it high-ish, but not too high, and this house would pay for it's self in a very short period of time.
Stranger Things house for sale
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