World Record Gigantic Snowflake Was Right In Our Back yard.
A snowflake lands on the thumb your dark-colored winter glove as a fresh snowfall starts on a calm winter day in Montana. You look at it and notice the lovely crystalline structure for the split second it lasts before it absorbs into the fibers of your glove. Another falls, and then another. Some are bigger or smaller and different from the last.
We also see small snowflakes through the eyes of microscopic cameras to see the tiny details. Have you ever wondered how big a snowflake can get? I personally have seen some as big as quarters and nickels. I've only heard of ones bigger.
In fact I was reading on the internet about a very large snowflake recorded right here in the state of Montana over one hundred years ago. In fact, it was and still is biggest snowflake ever recorded.
In an article from North Carolina State University titled How Big Can Snowflakes Be?, they write about a snowflake recorded in Fort Keogh, Montana in 1887.
It was reported that the massive snowflake back in the 1800's was measured at a staggering 15 inches.
You probably envision a large very symmetrical snowflake the size of a very large dinner plate, but they explain how it all kind of works.
They go on to elaborate how frozen water combines and overtakes each other to form one big snowflake and as you may have seen it starts to form a bit of globular, oblonged giant formation.
Will we ever get another snowflake measuring bigger that 15 inches?
Let's hope so, maybe it will be on your deck or windshield.