A couple months ago, I posted an article talking about maintenance on The River's antenna. At the end of that article, I said more was on the way. Well, it has happened.
Yes, it's almost that time again. Time for summer music at the Gibson Park bandshell with the Great Falls Municipal Band as they embark on another season of free concerts!
With any piece of equipment that's in operation 24/7/365, there's a need for maintenance and upkeep, especially when the equipment is exposed to the elements the entire time. Radio towers and equipment are no exception.
On December 17, 1923, renowned composer and conductor John Philip Sousa and his band made a stop here in Great Falls, the first of what is believed to be at least three visits to the Electric City.
So at the end of last month, I said it was KMON's 75th birthday/anniversary. I chose the date I did, September 27th, because that was the date the broadcast license was issued according to FCC records. The thing is, KMON was on the air months before that date. The difference between when it was done in reality and when it was official according to the government, I guess.
This fall will mark 560 KMON's 75 anniversary. As you can imagine, there have been changes over that time, and this week saw a rather sizable one take place.