Buying a Computer? Think About This! Part 4Buying a Computer? Think About This! Part 4Hello, and welcome back to part 4 of my thoughts on computer shopping for the non-tech savvy.David LeeDavid Lee
Buying a Computer? Think About This! Part 3Buying a Computer? Think About This! Part 3Hello again, and welcome to Part Three of my attempt to demystify buying a computer or tablet for the non-techie.David LeeDavid Lee
Buying a Computer? Think about this! Part 2Buying a Computer? Think about this! Part 2Here we go, with Part 2 of my thoughts on what you need to know when buying a new computer, no matter what the reason is.David LeeDavid Lee
Buying a Computer as a Grad Gift? Think About This! Part 1Buying a Computer as a Grad Gift? Think About This! Part 1It's getting to be that time of year again. Graduation announcements are going out, and ads for things to buy that soon-to-be grad are starting to appear.David LeeDavid Lee