In browsing the ol' Reddit threads today, I came across a post asking people "What's the price of you moving to, and living forever, in Idaho?". Now, this is something that intrigued me. As for Idaho, I think MY price would be quite steep! However, for Montana, it would be dramatically less.

Why is Montana cheaper for me?

Isolated Red Cabin, Glacier National Park

Beyond the fact of being modern, yet original, all in one... Montana is my home and has been my home for 30 years. Sure, I occasionally have beef with this state as we all do, but Montana as a whole is a great choice to live. Cost of living is also quite low, comparing to other states, and Montana offers a wide range of activities.

How much would I accept from Ol' Greggy to sign on the dotted line?

Montana State Capital Building in Helena Montana

If Triple G (Governor Greg Gianforte) offered me $10,000 a year, with an inflation agreement, as a "thanks for living here" bonus, I'd be going nowhere. I think that is a fair price to have someone go absolutely nowhere else for the remainder of their life! Plus, after a few years, I'd have a house, some land, and I'd be quite happy.

So, Josh, what's the point here?

Downtown Bozeman, Montana
Townsquare Media

Ok, I get it. This whole post has been ME ME ME. Well, here's your time to shine. We want to hear from YOU. How much would you need Triple G to give you a year? Remember, you'd sign on the dotted line a LIFETIME contract to stay in Montana. Take the poll below, and in a week we'll share the results!

Tourists Can't Pronounce These Five Montana Towns

Montana is a place that is filled with towns and cities with rich histories. The issue that some folks have is that these towns might seem tough to pronounce. Easy for locals, not for tourists.

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