I'm sure by now you've probably heard the rumblings about the Biden administration's goal to limit the amount of nicotine in cigarettes before leaving office.

Now, before we get into the weeds with this article, I'm not advocating for smoking or saying that it's good for your health.

And I'm also well aware of the fact that the nicotine in cigarettes is ultimately what makes them incredibly addictive and causes many smokers to keep coming back for more.

But what I am asking is...

Is it the government's job to get involved with someone's habit?

Nicotine Usage

Let's look at the brass tacks of the issue.

I would wager to bet that there's hardly anybody out there that was forced to start smoking.

People start smoking simply because they wanted to.

Is it the fault of the tobacco industry that these people started smoking?

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Deceptive Marketing And Tactics

You might be saying to yourself, well, Jason, there's been deceptive marketing, and unethical tactics used to lure people into cigarettes.

Not to mention the extreme amounts of nicotine that keep people coming back for more.

Yes, you're exactly correct!

However, give me any other industry in this country that does not use strategic marketing and borderline unethical practices to keep you coming back for more.

All I'm saying is that if they limit what a tobacco company can do, how long before they start limiting what other companies can do?

To me, all this is extreme government overreach.

Last time I checked it, it's not the government's place to be getting involved with an individual's habits.

Related Reading: Could Montana Do Better to Prevent Tobacco Use?

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Discontinued, Rare, and Old Cigarette Brands

Classic Cigarette Vending Machines

Cigarette smoking is slowly becoming a thing of the past but here are some remnants of a time when smoking was widely accepted.

There are lots of different types of cigarette vending machines from back in the day that you won't see in a restaurant or in front of a store anymore.

Gallery Credit: Tommy Carroll

Amazing illegal ad promoting cigarettes

These cigarette television ads are not illegal, although check out the big movie star

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

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