Three Pops In Montana Are Now Banned Forever

First off, let's get this out of the way: in Montana, we call it pop; it's not soda, so we'll be calling it pop for the rest of this article.

I grew up on pop, as it wasn't seen as a bad thing yet. Recently, however, opinions have changed as we worry about the effects the drink has on people's health.

READ MORE: 10 Candies That Are Better Than Montana's Most Popular

3 unlabled bottles of soda sitting in ice

The FDA Just Banned This Pop Additive

With more focus on what is in our food and drinks and what we are putting in our bodies, the FDA has come out and banned an additive they claim is "no longer considered safe."

The additive is called Brominated Vegetable Oil, or BVO for short. It's actually been used in foods since the 1920s.

That said, on July 3, 2024, they issued their "final rule" and revoked the use of BVO in foods. According to the Today Show, this affects three people in Montana.

READ NEXT: Is It Illegal In Montana To Eat Your Food While Still Shopping?

A bottle of Sun Drop

Sun Drop

Manufactured by Keurig Dr. Pepper, they told the Today Show they are currently working on reformulating their product to comply with the recent ruling.

Great Value Orangette Pop

Great Value Orangette

Sold At Walmart, they too have told the Today Show they've been hard at work to remove BVO from their products.

Orange Soda from Giant Foods

Orange Soda From Giant Foods

Giant Foods told the Today Show they had started the process of removing BVO even before the FDA made their recent announcement.

15 Popular Foods That California Is Banning, Will Montana Be Next?

In 2023, California passed legislation banning the use of Red 3 in foods starting in 2027. These products currently contain the soon to be illegal additive. Could Montana be banning them soon as well?

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

KEEP READING: 8 Everyday Foods That Are Legal in Montana, Forbidden Elsewhere

These foods are easy to find on store shelves wherever you buy your groceries in Montana. However in other states they're banned from the shelves!

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

LOOK: 9 Forbidden Foods That Are Banned in Montana

Due to government regulations, these are foods that are forbidden in most of the United States.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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