These Items Should NEVER Go Into Your Fireplace

There is just something magical and cozy about a fireplace burning during winter in Montana. The crackling of wood and the warmth just makes a person feel relaxed and calm.

That feeling could instantly take a turn for the worse, however, if you decided to just get rid of your garbage in your fireplace.

It's Not Just Your Fireplace That Can Be Dangerous To Burn

Don't think that you can sidestep the danger caused by these items just by burning these items in your fire pit outside.

While you might not be inhaling the toxic chemicals some of these items emit at higher temperatures, you could find yourself in trouble with the law.

You aren't allowed to legally burn your garbage in your fire pit; just wood and charcoal are allowed in city limits.

a cup of hot cocoa sits on top of a book in front of a fireplace

Don't Use Your Fireplace As An Incinerator

With Thanksgiving having just passed and Christmas on the way, you probably have had quite a bit more garbage accumulating in your house than normal.

With all those packages from the grocery store and cardboard boxes containing presents from online shopping, you might think an easy way to dispose of them would be to just toss them into the fire.

While that is easy, it's also very dangerous considering the toxic fumes you would be releasing into your house.

With the safety of your family in mind, here are 9 items you should never throw into your fireplace.

Warning Montana: NEVER Burn These 9 Items In Fireplaces

While you may think it's safe to burn these common pieces of household trash, experts say they could pose serious fire risks or health problems.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

LOOK: These Are The Things Around You That Make Starting Your Fireplace or Burn Pit Easier.

These common everyday things you have lying around that can help you crank up a heat-providing fire.

Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez

KEEP SCROLLING: 12 Tips To Stay Safe Using Your Fireplace and Chimney

There's nothing quite like a lit fireplace: the warmth, light, smell, and sound of crackling wood transcends time and takes us back to a simpler time. It's the spirit of hygge. But lighting a fire in your home comes with a lot of dangers. Before you light your fireplace, review these safety tips from the Washington State Fire Marshal.

Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton

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