Would Students In Great Falls Benefit From A 4 Day School Week

There are some big changes coming to the Great Falls Public Schools District thanks to the new CORE school opening this year.

With the new school year almost upon us, I'm wondering if it would be smart for the GFPS to consider a 4-day school week.

READ NEXT: Ribbon Cutting At Great Falls First Ever CORE Charter School

A hallway in a school with lockers on each side. Over top is post it notes with days of the week for Monday through Friday but Friday is x'ed out

Plenty Of Montana Schools Already Have A 4 Day School Week

Earlier this spring, Huntley Project voted to move to a 4-day school week, joining over 200 schools across Montana that use a 4-day school week.

The change to a 4-day school week is not an easy one to make, but for these communities it made sense.

Most of the schools across the state with a 4-day school week are smaller schools, with fewer students, and have trouble attracting good teachers.

READ MORE: Should Montana Lock Down Phones During School Hours?

A group of elementary students smiling with an A+ graphic

Pros And Cons Of Moving To A 4 Day School Week In Great Falls

A 4-day school week is not without its challenges, for both the schools and the parents, but let's break down some pros and cons, starting with the pros, according to GreenLight.com.


  1. Increased Attendance: The number one factor in a student's success is attending school. With shorter weeks and longer weekends, it means less time missed for appointments or vacations.
  2. Cost Savings: Thanks to saving on expenses such as bussing students and utilities, it can help with budget shortfalls.
  3. Improved Student Performance: Standardized test scores have shown improved scores after moving to a 4-day school week.
  4. Retaining Teachers: With Montana struggling to find teachers, this could be an incentive to remain in Montana or even stay in a smaller school for less money.

Now let's take a look at the cons.


  1. Longer School Days: To offset the time missed on Fridays, kids will go longer the other 4 days, leading to faster burnout.
  2. Childcare Issues: Not being in school on Friday means childcare is needed, which some communities can't provide.
  3. Negative Impact On Lower Income Students: Some students rely on school for meals, which can have a negative impact for both students and parents.
  4. Potential For Reduced Student Achievement: Studies have shown some students improving test scores, while others drop due to longer hours and less instructional time.

What are your thoughts? Should Great Falls consider a move to a 4-day school week or leave things as they are? Let us know through our app or email me your opinion.

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