The English language is a funny thing. It's just full of things that don't make sense. Like tier and tear sound the same, but tear and tear don't. If English is not your first language, it can be confusing. That too goes for these Montana words that can sound pretty dirty if you aren't from here.

A Couple Three

Three thumbs Up

What could sound like a bit of a romp in the hay to the uninitiated, to Montanans, it's just a way we say a while ago, as in "a couple three years ago."

Angry Hank's

In what sounds like an Urban Dictionary entry for something very vile, Angry Hank's is just a brewery in Billings.

Big Stick

A cartoon Stick

In the wrong context this could make someone blush, but Big Stick is the nickname for Big Timber.


If you aren't from Montana, hearing "That's quite a nice spread you've got there" could be pretty dirty. In Montana, though, it's just the way we talk about the size of a ranch.

Gopher Crotch

Gopher Crotch

Here in Montana we are just talking about being in the middle of nowhere. It's also a place you wouldn't want to find yourself, much like a gopher's crotch.

Square Butt

First, I know it's Square Butte, but everyone not from Montana calls Butte butt, so roll with me here. Also, those not from Montana might think it's the shape your butt gets if you sit on it too long, but it's just an unincorporated community in Chouteau County.



We are keeping this PG, so we won't say what these cover up. In Montana, however, a pasty is meat and veggies stuffed inside a pastry crust popularized in Butte.


Sometimes words just sound dirty even if they aren't. This is one of them; for some reason, the word for rocks and dirt sliding down the mountainside just sounds dirty.



Another word that probably does have an Urban Dictionary entry, stroopwafel just sounds dirty. They are, however, delicious. Two waffle cookies with caramel in between, they are a Dutch treat. Serve them over a cup of hot tea or coffee to soften the caramel in between.

Those are just a few words that, to a majority of those outside of Montana, would think are dirty. Did we miss anything? Let us know on our app!

Words and Phrases That Prove Montanans Have an Accent

Gallery Credit: Ashley Warren

KEEP READING: Commonly Used Phrases In Montana That Are Historically Racist

You'd have to look long and far to find an example of someone using these as they were originally intended today. As they were first coined to oppress, they've become universally accepted as ordinary, everyday greetings and phrases in this modern day.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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