Get ready for another record cold winter
According to the Farmer's Almanac and the National Weather Service, we could be in for a cold winter.
Both say we could see quite a bit of precipitation and record cold days, really hitting in January. Like Farmer's Almanac says, it's going to be shake, shiver and shovel weather in Montana. They attribute this to La Nina that they feel will last all through winter, and maybe even into spring.
What do you do when you know winter is coming hard and fast? Winterize, baby!
This is a great time of the year to get the vehicles ready to store for the winter, and get your personal rigs in for winterization. It's a crazy bad idea to wait until October/November. It could snow and turn hellishly cold any second, then what are you going to do? Joe Mechanic isn't going to have any time for you and that's big trouble for your rig.
Get the extra filters for your furnace. Pop into the store and grab a couple to put away so you have them on hand. It's always nice to go into winter with a fresh filter on your furnace so you are getting the most heat for the smallest amount of money. Maybe even get your ducts cleaned. Nobody needs the ghosts and allergens of last winter blowing all over the house when you finally turn the heater back on.
Don't forget all the things that may need a filter while you're at it, the air purifier, your refrigerator, maybe even the ac so it's fresh and good to go come next summer.
Last thing I do is clean up the yard, put it into hibernation mode, and get out the shovel, shovel cover and the ice melt, so I'm ready when the snow flies. Then, I thank the garage gods that I found a house with a great place for my car to weather winter nights.
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